April 30, 2010

staring at the exit

April 29, 2010

blue at midnight

April 28, 2010

gate slam shut

April 27, 2010

the disclosure

April 26, 2010

bonus, what bonus

April 25, 2010

I could have told you so

April 24, 2010

there is no place for yesterday

April 23, 2010

it's yesterday again

April 21, 2010

watching the body language,
from the bench

April 20, 2010

block and tackle from the past

April 19, 2010

so many years ago

April 18, 2010

end of week two ...
the waiting game

April 17, 2010

What Lies Beneath

April 15, 2010

and today: reality

April 12, 2010

where is the light at the end of the tunnel

April 11, 2010

deja vu,
six months later

April 10, 2010

in the room from yesterday